2014 TEDxYouth @ Kobe, The Growing Tree

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Aoi Taiyo had the privilege to sponsor the TEDxYouth@Kobe’ first annual speakers event on November 16th 2014 at Canadian Academy.

TEDxYouth@Kobe is a student speaker conference aimin g to promote community links between institutions and professions. across the globe. The Ted talks speakers from this event led the discussions in interesting topics amongst the youth audience and newly-met partners and participants. The conference theme “The Growing Tree” represents a universal goal to foster the horizontal link between people of the same generation but coming from various backgrounds as well as the vertical link connecting together people of diff erent generations.

Image next to speaker names (ted x 1c)

Guest speakers:  Takayuki Urata, Takashi Furusho, Mauro Iurato, Eiki Matsubara, Megumi Kikukawa, Hiromi Kishida and Asami Shigemitsu