This organization hosts academic competitions and events for students through activities, which encourage them to establish a relationship with their communities and to find solutions to help its conditions by way of leadership, innovation and sharing fresh perspective outlooks.
What does Aoi Taiyo mean?
Aoi Taiyo, translated Blue Sun, is the coming of a new dawn or era. The connection of people during this time becomes more in sync. When we are born, we are born ready to do whatever we are destined to do. As we grow older it’s up to ourselves to maintain our natural leadership skills by practicing how to use them, how to be a team and how to help everyone.
If you are a company or organization looking for students who have achieved academic excellence or have an idea for a student competition that you would like us to create and host? Please contact us. We discover young leaders for you to give them the opportunity to make a difference in their community.Competition a/o event themes are endless. We create competition platforms for academic fields including robotics, science, technology, engineering, textile, music, art, literature and much more.
Who is part of Aoi Taiyo?
Many supporters contribute to Aoi Taiyo because lets face it, entrepreneurship is the purist form of inevitable success. And then there is the Aoi Taiyo team; the people that not only believe in what we do but dedicate there time to mentor students during our competitions. These people are: